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Listening extract

Stop Time

Two-minute extract

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Cédric A. - France:
"...I have to tell you again that I really love your "Stop Time" CDs, especially the latest ones: "Stop Time and Being, Peace". And of course the older ones are excellent to put an end to suffering from the past and destroy fear of the future… They reset my vibrations in just minutes :) "

Stop Time - Cardiac-coherence

The "STOP TIME" recorded guides were designed to enable ZEN LATITUDES seminar participants to continue to practice what they learned at home or at the office and to benefit from remote support.

These recordings were developed to enable short well-being breaks in sitting position at the office, in a chair, or lying on a rug on the floor.

Titels in English



Stop Time
5 minutes

This recording provides a relaxation break when you have very little time, or five minutes at the most. It provides calming breathing exercises that regulate cardiac coherence. The effects can be immediately checked thanks to the Freeze Framer software developed by Heartmath, Inc.




Stop Time
10 minutes

You have only 10 minutes to relieve stress at work? This recording offers a breathing break plus pleasant and effective guided visualization during exactly 10 minutes. Your heartbeat will become coherent. When used on a regular basis, you will learn a conditioned relaxation reflex.


Upcoming release



Stop Time
15 min.

This title provides a 15-minute relaxation break. It consists of soothing breathing exercises and of deep visualization inducing a radical effect on the autonomous nervous system and on the emotional mind. Regularization of cardiac coherence can be verified using the "Freeze-Framer" software developed by Heartmath Inc.





Stop Time
and being positive
15 min.

Live in the present moment and breathe effectively and serenely. Find harmony and “inhale” positive energy. Find fullness of Being and “exhale” all of your troubles. Evacuate all of your negative vibes while focusing on your breathing. Move outside of time and enjoy the happiness of the present moment during this positive visualization break. Become fully aware of your bodily sensations. Think about the present moment and identify with Being while breathing deeply and focusing on positive concentration.





Stop Time
and free yourself from the past and the suffering
21 min.

The past is dead in the present moment. It no longer exists. If your memory harbors inner suffering, the “Stopping time” break will help you refocus on the present moment and live within your deepest Self which lives outside of time. Your deep Self lives in the present moment. This recording helps you breathe serenely while abandoning yourself to the Self and to acceptance. Allow the past to slip away and focus on the present. You will realize that the past is simply an illusion of the mind. There is no more suffering in the present moment. Suffering only exists in the past and the past is gone.



Stop Time
and free yourself from the future and fear
21 min.

Stop time and live the present moment while freeing yourself from the future and fear. Fear is the worst of all emotions. Fear kills love, creativity, initiative and it paralyzes the mind. Forget what could happen for a moment, forget about the future and look at the present without using the future's eyes. Focus on your deepest self. Unlike your ego, it doesn't live in Time and only knows the present moment. Forget about tomorrow for a while and open your mind to your vital nature. Live the present moment while taking this cardio-respiratory break and encourage harmony and cardiac coherence.



Stop Time
and observe your thoughts
16 min.

As soon as you begin to observe your own mind, you are in the present. As soon as you realize that you're no longer “there” … you are! As soon as you are in the “presence” and observing your personal thoughts, you are in the present. As soon as you become the silent witness of yourself, of your ego, without judging… in quietness, peace and serenity… you move outside of time… and you just “are”. Breathe in peace and serenity, and reach harmony while focusing on your deepest Self and on your bodily sensations. Be the moment, be the Power.



Stop Time
and free yourself from Ego
19 min.

While breathing in peace and serenity escape from Time and free yourself from the Ego that feeds on Time. Time builds the Ego. This break will enable you to reach cardiac coherence and harmony and to simultaneously forget your thoughts while focusing on your body and sensations. Escape from the prison of Time and fly away to the present moment. The past gives you an identity and suffering, the future promises and anxiety. Feel the present moment and fullness. Free yourself from the Ego and perceive your primordial essence.





Stop Time
and free yourself from appearances
23 min.

Breathe serenely and feel Being. Let go of appearances, which are a source of pain, of “you must” and of “I have to”. Be your primordial essence for a while, just for yourself. Leave your image, the image of the person you think you are, the false image. That image is not the deep Self that you really are. Forgive your own imperfections since you're not made out of metal and plastic. Forgive your mistakes since you've been designed to learn and evolve. Leave duty and tomorrow behind. Abandon yesterday. Once in a while, let your primordial essence breathe in the present moment and free yourself from appearances.





Stop Time
and Be
15 min.

Bring some relativity to your Ego and achieve the existence of your deep Self. Be into Being and the life force. Negotiate your deeper dimension with your Ego. Let your deepest Self breathe outside of Time, outside of your history, outside of your name and outside of your first name. Be life and enjoy the presence in your emotional and sensorial dimensions. Be there and feel life. Feel without thinking. Focus your attention on the sensations that are in you and enter into contemplation.



Stop Time
and be joy
15 min.

Breathe and inhale the feeling of joy. Reach out for joy and automatically eject sadness. Then radiate joy all around you and make it contagious.



Stop Time
and be the peace
12 min.

Breathe and inhale the feeling of peace. Eject negative feelings and surrender all the weapons of war. Your strength of peace and compassion is stronger than all the weapons that you could use. Through breathing and visualization, inhale the feeling of peace and exhale the feeling of anger as well as all forms of aggressiveness. Peace is the best defense. When there isn't a single trace of aggressiveness left, there is no longer any need to make war or to struggle.



Stop Time
and move outside of yourself
16 min.

With high awareness, refocus and visualize yourself sitting down and breathing serenely. Like an imaginary cameraman, observe yourself mentally, from the side, from the front, from the back … Circle around yourself, slowly. Get your sensitivity out of your body as it gradually becomes a stranger to you. Move outside of yourself and take your emotional dimension with you. This technique will make it possible to control physical pain or to increase your minimal threshold to pain while taking an effective relaxation break to manage accumulated tension.



Stop Time
and change problems into solutions
13 min.

Power is everywhere in the universe and more specifically in the problems we encounter. Each problem is associated with a bit of information. The problem lies in the association of power and information. Locate a problem, keep the information at a distance from your heart, far away from you, but inhale its power to find a creative solution and exhale the tension that has accumulated through this exercise in energy transmutation. The power will go from information-problem to information-solution. This recording will guide you through the successful accomplishment of this personal development exercise.



Stop Time
and be the quintessence

Power is everywhere in the universe. There is also power in every problem; it is an important lever. Practice relaxing breathing and learn how to manage problems by transforming their power into constructive solutions and by evacuating the associated tension. Keep the problems at a distance from your emotional self. You are not the owner of your problems. Solutions replace problems. Visualize your situation in a positive way.



Stop Time
free yourself from guilt

To judge oneself is a misunderstanding. Questioning oneself and doing self-analysis are responsible and mature attitudes as long as they don't bring guilt. The feeling of guilt is negative since it doesn't bring anything in itself except for sterile and debilitating self-punishment. Practice positive visualization and, together with a breathing exercise, integrate a sense of responsibility instead of a sense of guilt. Modify your vocabulary. Failures and errors do not exist. Look at failures as “results” which need to be improved. You're not guilty. You are a responsible being. Be compassionate and forgive yourself, be indulgent towards yourself since nobody's perfect. On the contrary: one of the features of life is learning by trial and error. It's natural to allow oneself to make mistakes. All this will help you move towards something better.




Stop Time
and be love

Breathe and inhale the feeling of love, the strongest of all positive feelings. Love kills fear and provides unlimited powers. Be Love, be your deepest dimension, connect to the source. Be one with creation. Radiate Love and be contagious.



Stop Time
and forgive

Breathe calmly, stop brooding, let go of your negative feelings of resentment and bitterness. They are like poison for your deepest Self. Breathe in forgiveness, be into non-resentment. Don't forget anything, but forgive in order to no longer be dependent on a virtual emotional link and on the “other's” view. When you forgive, your inner gaze upon yourself becomes serene. Fill yourself with this positive feeling. It's good for you and for your health.



Stop Time
and be desire

Breathe and take back your most legitimate desires. Using a visualization exercise, replace your fears with your desires. You are entitled to them and nobody can keep you from them, except yourself. Change your vocabulary and replace “I'm scared of” with “I want”. Replace “I try” with “I do”. Stop time and free yourself from the “I must's” and the “I have to's”. Replace them with “I want”. Remove obligations and punishments. Be your deepest self of desires and emotions. Replace the obligations that you impose on yourself with the desires your primordial essence aspires to.



Stop Time
and free yourself from judgment

The architecture of the cortex automatically generates comparison through a retroaction loop. Therefore, judging is automatic and natural: both judging yourself and judging others. By calmly practicing positive visualization exercises, while being tolerant towards yourself and slightly modifying your vocabulary, you can free yourself from compulsive judging.